Command properties
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This page assumes you have a basic bot running using WOKCommands as seen here.
A command's file name will become the executable name of the command. Additional aliases can be set.
This code is designed for demonstration purposes only. Copy/pasting this will lead to errors.
All commands are exported as objects who have properties to dictate the command's functionality. Here is a complete list of all current properties available to you:
module.exports = {
// This function will be invoked when users run this command
callback: ({
// An instance of your bot's client
// An instance of WOKCommands
// The message used for legacy commands. This is null
// if the user ran this command as a slash command
// The interaction used for slash commands. This is null
// if the user ran this command as a legacy commands
// Each argument sent with this command. For legacy commands
// each word is treated as an argument
// All of the arguments joined together into one string
// The guild where this command was ran
// The memebr who ran this command
// The user who ran this command
// The channel where this command was ran
// A method run cancel a cooldown
// A method to update a cooldown experation date
}) => {
// TODO: Return an object or string that will be sent in
// either message.reply or interaction.reply
// depending on how the user ran this command
// What type of command this is. Options:
type: CommandType.BOTH,
// A method that is invoked when the command is first registered
// Perfect for pulling information from a database
init: (client, instance) => {},
// Sets the description for this command
description: "Add your description here",
// What other aliases should this command have as a legacy command
aliases: [],
// If this command should only be registered for test servers
testOnly: false,
// If this command should only be ran within guilds/servers
guildOnly: false,
// If this command should only be ran by bot owners/developers
// NOTE: This has nothing to do with guild/server owners
ownerOnly: false,
// What build in Discord permissions are required to use this command
permissions: [],
// If this slash command should be defered. Options:
// "ephemeral" // Creates an ephemeral reply that is deferred
// true // Creates a publicly visible reply that is deferred
// false // Default value
deferReply: false,
// Customize how cooldowns work for this command
cooldowns: {
// Custom error message for this command
errorMessage: "Please wait {TIME}",
// You MUST select ONE of the following:
// Applies a cooldown to a specific user over all guilds and DMs
perUser: 10, // Example of 10 seconds
// Applies a cooldown to a specific user in a specific guild
perUserPerGuild: "10 s", // Example of 10 seconds
// Applies a cooldown to all users in a specific guild
perGuild: "10 h", // Example of 10 hours
global: "1 d", // Example of 1 day
// What the minimum amount of arguments are. Used for legacy commands
// or slash commands when you don't provide an options array
minArgs: 0,
// What the maximum amount of arguments are. Used for legacy commands
// or slash commands when you don't provide an options array.
// -1 = unlimited arguments
maxArgs: -1,
// The message to be sent if the user doesn't provide the correct syntax
correctSyntax: "Correct syntax: {PREFIX}{COMMAND} {ARGS}",
// The exact arguments the user is expecting to enter. This is used for
// the "{ARGS}" in the "correctSyntax". If you do not provide an options
// array then your slash command arguments are created using this string.
// Example for an "!add 5 10" command:
// expectedArgs: "[num1] [num2]"
// Another syntax:
expectedArgs: "<num1> <num2>",
// An array of
options: [],
// This function is invoked when autocomplete is ran in this command.
// To enable autocomplete pass in an options array with "autocomplete: true"
autocomplete: (command, argument, instance) => {
// TODO: Return an array of strings
// If message.reply() vs should be used for
// legacy commands
reply: true,
// Delete this command as both a legacy and slash command
// This will delete the "testOnly" or "global" version of this slash
// command. For example: testOnly = true && delete = true then this slash
// command will be deleted in the test servers only. However testOnly = false
// means the global slash command will be deleted.
delete: false
export default {
// This function will be invoked when users run this command
callback: ({
// An instance of your bot's client
client: Client,
// An instance of WOKCommands
instance: WOKCommands,
// The message used for legacy commands. This is null
// if the user ran this command as a slash command
message: Message,
// The interaction used for slash commands. This is null
// if the user ran this command as a legacy commands
interaction: Interaction,
// Each argument sent with this command. For legacy commands
// each word is treated as an argument
args: string[],
// All of the arguments joined together into one string
text: string,
// The guild where this command was ran
guild: Guild | null,
// The memebr who ran this command
member: Member | null,
// The user who ran this command
user: User,
// The channel where this command was ran
channel: TextChannel,
// A method run cancel a cooldown
cancelCooldown: () => {},
// A method to update a cooldown experation date
updateCooldown: (expires: Date) => {},
}) => {
// TODO: Return an object or string that will be sent in
// either message.reply or interaction.reply
// depending on how the user ran this command
// What type of command this is. Options:
type: CommandType.BOTH,
// A method that is invoked when the command is first registered
// Perfect for pulling information from a database
init: (client: Client, instance: WOKCommands) => {},
// Sets the description for this command
description: "Add your description here",
// What other aliases should this command have as a legacy command
aliases: [],
// If this command should only be registered for test servers
testOnly: false,
// If this command should only be ran within guilds/servers
guildOnly: false,
// If this command should only be ran by bot owners/developers
// NOTE: This has nothing to do with guild/server owners
ownerOnly: false,
// What build in Discord permissions are required to use this command
permissions: [],
// If this slash command should be defered. Options:
// "ephemeral" // Creates an ephemeral reply that is deferred
// true // Creates a publicly visible reply that is deferred
// flase // Default value
deferReply: false,
// Customize how cooldowns work for this command
cooldowns: {
// Custom error message for this command
errorMessage: "Please wait {TIME}",
// You MUST select ONE of the following:
// Applies a cooldown to a specific user over all guilds and DMs
perUser: 10, // Example of 10 seconds
// Applies a cooldown to a specific user in a specific guild
perUserPerGuild: "10 s", // Example of 10 seconds
// Applies a cooldown to all users in a specific guild
perGuild: "10 h", // Example of 10 hours
global: "1 d", // Example of 1 day
// What the minimum amount of arguments are. Used for legacy commands
// or slash commands when you don't provide an options array
minArgs: 0,
// What the maximum amount of arguments are. Used for legacy commands
// or slash commands when you don't provide an options array.
// -1 = unlimited arguments
maxArgs: -1,
// The message to be sent if the user doesn't provide the correct syntax
correctSyntax: "Correct syntax: {PREFIX}{COMMAND} {ARGS}",
// The exact arguments the user is expecting to enter. This is used for
// the "{ARGS}" in the "correctSyntax". If you do not provide an options
// array then your slash command arguments are created using this string.
// Example for an "!add 5 10" command:
// expectedArgs: "[num1] [num2]"
// Another syntax:
expectedArgs: "<num1> <num2>",
// An array of
options: [],
// This function is invoked when autocomplete is ran in this command.
// To enable autocomplete pass in an options array with "autocomplete: true"
autocomplete: (command: Command, argument: string, instance: WOKCommands) => {
// TODO: Return an array of strings
// If message.reply() vs should be used for
// legacy commands
reply: true,
// Delete this command as both a legacy and slash command
// This will delete the "testOnly" or "global" version of this slash
// command. For example: testOnly = true && delete = true then this slash
// command will be deleted in the test servers only. However testOnly = false
// means the global slash command will be deleted.
delete: false
} as CommandObject