You may want some commands to only be enabled in specific servers/guilds for testing. This will give you a good idea if something is working in a production environment without risking bugs for your other users.
You can easily specify a command as a "test only" command like so:
JavaScript TypeScript
Copy const { CommandType } = require ( "wokcommands" );
module . exports = {
description : "Ping pong command" ,
type : CommandType . BOTH ,
testOnly : true ,
callback : () => {
return {
content : "Pong!" ,
} ,
Copy const { CommandType } = require ( "wokcommands" );
module . exports = {
description : "Ping pong command" ,
type : CommandType . BOTH ,
testOnly : true ,
callback : () => {
return {
content : "Pong!" ,
} ,
You can then specify any amount of server/guild IDs when initializing WOKCommands like so:
JavaScript TypeScript
Copy const path = require ( "path" );
const WOK = require ( "wokcommands" );
require ( "dotenv/config" );
const client = new Client ({
intents : [
IntentsBitField . Flags .Guilds ,
IntentsBitField . Flags .GuildMessages ,
IntentsBitField . Flags .DirectMessages ,
IntentsBitField . Flags .MessageContent ,
] ,
partials : [ Partials .Channel] ,
client .on ( "ready" , () => {
console .log ( "The bot is ready" );
new WOK ({
client ,
commandsDir : path .join (__dirname , "commands" ) ,
testServers : [ "Server_id_here" ] ,
client .login ( process . env . TOKEN );
Copy import { Client , IntentsBitField , Partials } from "discord.js" ;
import path from "path" ;
import WOK from "wokcommands" ;
require ( "dotenv/config" );
const client = new Client ({
intents : [
IntentsBitField . Flags .Guilds ,
IntentsBitField . Flags .GuildMessages ,
IntentsBitField . Flags .DirectMessages ,
IntentsBitField . Flags .MessageContent ,
] ,
partials : [ Partials .Channel] ,
client .on ( "ready" , () => {
console .log ( "The bot is ready" );
new WOK ({
client ,
commandsDir : path .join (__dirname , "commands" ) ,
testServers : [ "Server_id_here" ] ,
client .login ( process . env . TOKEN );
Last updated 9 months ago